Friday, 30 October 2015

Enable root-based features in non-root installations with db2rfe


When installed DB2 as non-root user, OS Authentication is disabled by default

db2=> connect to <DBNAME> user db2inst1 using <password>

Error:QL1639N  The database server was unable to perform authentication because
security-related database manager files on the server do not have the required
operating system permissions.  SQLSTATE=08001


1)Stop the DB2 Server as DB2 Instance User(db2inst1) and End the server to client process using the following command



Copy the Sample db2rfe.cfg to any other location on your instance in the following directory


~$ cp /sqllib/instance/db2rfe.cfg ~/db2rfe_conf_file.cfg

Open the Config file copied to home directory and Enable the OS Authentication Feature in cfg file


save the file

2) Login as root user

Navigate to the following directory and execute the following command

#cd $HOME/sqllib/instance

#./db2rfe -f /home/wasadmin/db2rfe_config_file.cfg

Output will be as follows:


DBI1213I  Root feature OS_AUTHENTICATION has been enabled successfully.

DBI1269I  Summary:

DBI1259I  Enabled root feature:


DBI1263I  Not enabled root feature:


DBI1267I  Not reserved service entry:


DBI1070I  Program db2rfe completed successfully.


Try to login now

db2=> connect to <DBNAME> user db2inst1 using <password>
Connected to <DBNAME>

Now the OS Authentication will be successfull...

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