Before performing the clean up operation, it is recommended that you run the istool ODBAdmin countdb command to size what is selected in the ODB and also to ensure that records are selected using the correct server and engine names for deletion:
Count DSODB Records:
istool ODBAdmin countdb server selector time_range output
For example,
cd <ISInstallDir>/Clients/istools/cli/
where ISInstallDir is the InfoSphere Information Server installation path which defaults to C:\IBM\InformationServer for Windows or /opt/IBM/InformationServer for Linux and Unix.
istool ODBAdmin countdb -domain server1 -server server1 -authfile authfile -upto 15 -days -verbose
Operations Database Maintenance Report - Content
Generated at: 2013-12-16 07:31:16
Run on server: server1
Limited to data before:
Number of engines in report:1
Number of nodes for this engine: 1
Table: HostDetail rows: 2
Table: ResourceUsage rows: 81758
Table: ResourceSnap rows: 1
Table: ParallelConfig rows: 1
Table: JOBRUN rows: 350
Table: JOBEXEC rows: 85
Table: JOBSTAGE rows: 585
Table: JOBLINK rows: 364
Table: JOBRUNSTAGE rows: 3015
Table: JOBRUNLINK rows: 2080
Table: JOBRUNPARAMS rows: 228
Table: JOBRUNLOG rows: 2100
Table: JOBRUNUSAGE rows: 5598
Table: DATALOCATOR rows: 75
End of content report.
Count completed successfully....
Note the name of the engine (or engines) given in the report, and enter them in the purgedb command's -engine option exactly as reported; for example:
istool ODBAdmin purgedb -domain server1 -authfile authfile -engine SERVER1.IBM.COM -runs -upto 15 -days -verbose
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