Monday, 1 August 2016

IBM BPM LDAP Integrated SizeLimitExceededException occurs when exporting all users and groups via Xmlaccess


The SystemOut.log contains the following message:
CWWIM1018E '10000' search results exceeds the '4500' maximum search limit while BPM integrated with LDAP


The maxSearchResults value in the wimconfig.xml file is smaller than the number of users/groups in user registry.

Resolving the problem

Increase the maximum search results that Virtual Member Manager (VMM) will return by updating the maxSearchResults property (default 4500) to a larger value such as 50,000) in the <wp_profile_root>/config/cells/<cellname>/wimconfig.xml file. Then restart the Portal server and retest the export.

NOTE: LDAP servers such as the Tivoli Directory Server may have a default slapd sizelimit. This limit can also cause XMLaccess and/or the Manage Users and Groups portlet search to fail. To check the limit, you can use the RootDSE output from the following command:

      ldapsearch -h <ldaphost> -p 389 -b "" -s base objectclass=*

The result should expose a setting similar to ibm-slapdSizeLimit=2000.

Consult with your LDAP administrator as needed to reset the parameter in the LDAP configuration.

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