Monday, 1 August 2016

InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog: Unable to save new or changed assets or collections


Changes to assets and collections, and creation of glossary assets and collections are not saved.

In another instance, categories were exported to an XML file and then imported. When a category was renamed after the import, the category name was changed to "<No Name>".


Output in the log files might vary, but typical output is shown here.

The following output is written to SystemOut.log file:

      [1/12/16 15:23:44:653 IST] 000000b2 ServicesJSONM W   Problem setting value 'value' on object of class class – java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: Cannot set value
    [1/12/16 15:23:44:654 IST] 000000b2 ServicesJSONM 1   Problem setting value…

java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: Cannot set value

This output is written to igc.log file:

    2016-01-12 14:25:29,604 ERROR session.VRSessionsTL – class{message type : ValidationException message key : generalValidation}[class


Resolving the problem

Set a custom property in IBM WebSphere Application Server by doing these steps:

  1. Open WebSphere Application Server Admin console (http://<server-ip>:9060/ibm/console).
  2. In Servers tab, expand Server Types. Click WebSphere application servers, and then click server1.
  3. In the Server Infrastructure section, expand Java and Process Management, and then click Process definition.
  4. In the Additional Properties section, click Java Virtual Machine, and then click Custom properties.
    1. Click New… to create a new property.
    2. Set Name to simulateJVMPropertyDescriptorDefect.The property name is case-sensitive and it must begin with lower case 's'.
    3. Set Value to true.
    4. Click OK, and then click Save.
Restart WebSphere Application Server for the changes to take effect

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